Peer review and article acceptance process

Our conference maintains a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality, originality, and scholarly integrity of the papers presented. This process plays a crucial role in shaping the content of our conference and maintaining its reputation as a platform for cutting-edge research.


Authors are invited to submit their papers through our online submission system (Registration & Submissions) by the specified deadline (Important Dates). Submissions are expected to adhere to the conference guidelines and topic areas (Topics).

Reviewer Selection

Expert reviewers with relevant expertise in the field are carefully selected, see  Scientific Committee. Reviewers‘ remain anonymous to the authors throughout the process. Each paper is evaluated by two independent reviewers and an editor. 

Double-Blind Review

Our peer review process is double-blind, ensuring impartial evaluations. Reviewers assess the submissions based on scientific merit, originality, clarity, and relevance to the conference theme.

Review and Evaluation

Reviewers provide constructive feedback on the strengths and areas for improvement of the submissions. They rate the papers and make recommendations for acceptance, revision, or rejection.

Language correction

Papers are checked grammatically by native English speakers, corrections and changes in the text parts are suggested.

Editorial review

Papers undergo editorial review, checking for formatting and also undergo duplication check using iThenticate software.

Author Notification

Authors are notified of the review outcomes, which may include acceptance, conditional acceptance pending revisions, or rejection. Constructive feedback from reviewers is shared to aid authors in enhancing their work.

Revision (if applicable)

Authors have the opportunity to revise their papers based on the reviewers‘, feedback and suggestions. Revised papers are subject to an additional review process to ensure that requested changes have been adequately addressed.

Final Decision

The final decision regarding the acceptance of the paper is made by the programme committee, taking into consideration the reviewers‘ recommendations and the paper’s overall alignment with the goals of the conference.

We believe that our robust peer review process enhances the scholarly discourse within our field, promotes collaboration, and maintains the high standards our conference is known for. We are committed to fostering a culture of intellectual exchange and academic excellence.


For any inquiries about the peer review process or submissions, please contact us.